Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, December 27th

Denise saw the new chemo doctor at Stockton Kaiser and had her blood tested for coagulants in preparation for the procedure on Wednesday to insert the ports.  Now she awaits a call from the charge nurse to set up the treatment dates.

She had her favorite soup for dinner--corn chowder from Mimi's.


Jolene said...
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Jolene said...

At least she wont have to travel as far, it will be easier on her. Let me know if you need anything.

Dim Sum Lum said...

I'm sorry I wasn't able to come and see you because of this stupid cold, but it didn't stop me from thinking about you. I'm probably coming home in two weekends, so hopefully I can come and visit with you then.

Hang in there, kiddo!

Jolene said...

I just want to wish you good luck on your procedure tomorrow and you are in my prayers.

Angie said...

Hi Denise,
It is great to hear every thing its going well with u soo far and chemos can be done close to ur house. My frien Jerry wants to know what its your favorite color? We all thinking about you and praying for u. Chantal loves to see you and Oliver on the pictures.. She said to give xoxoxo to Oliver and to you.. Take care my friend Love ya...

dbheinlein said...

Just tried to post and it disappeared. Hope your procedures went well today. Thinking of you all the time and sending hugs your way.

Dr. Oliver