Denise finished chemo therapy at 2 am Thursday morning. Still no sleep as vitals were taken every half hour and complications with nursing staff administering sleep meds.
She decided early afternoon Thursday to check out and go home in hopes of better quality sleep. It was a difficult decision to make. Denise would no longer have the immediate availability of the IV pain meds and would have to rely on pain meds by mouth which were not controlling her pain very well. It was a difficult decision to make whether to compromise--effective pain meds or sleep (5 nights without). Since quality rest/sleep would help towards minimizing pain and coping with the side effects of chemo therapy, she chose to go home.
Denise's doctors have advised her this will be a very challenging week as she'll begin experiencing fatigue, muscle aches, naseau, etc. as the chemo therapy is doing it's work. So now Mom has minimized or shut off all phones, pacifying the dogs to keep them quiet and maintaining a restful environment for the next week.
We are all so grateful for all of you and your support, the medical staff that has and is continuing to help her on her healing path, modern medicine.
Please keep your blog comments coming--they keep Denise inspired each and every day. We know there are 100 or more of you supporting her healing journey through this blog.
We realize you would like to talk to her as soon as possible and she looks forward to the near future when she can personally visit and talk with each of you. Until she can do this, please log in for the next daily update/
Love Denise (written on behalf of Denise by Mom Joan)
Thinking of you & your family during this next step. Peace, calm and steady strength to all of you now that you are where you can be more comfortable and easily together: home.
Hi Denise, I am inspired by your strength and courage, you are an amazing woman/person. Thank you for the heart warming story of Ruffy as it brought a tear to my eyes as I know how much you loved and continue to miss that baby. He was and is definitely watching over you at all times. Still keeping the positive thoughts, prayer, hugs and kisses coming your way. Stay strong. Love you, Laurie
I am so relieved that you made the decision to go home, I really think you will be so much more comfortable and happy at home. Rest lots so I can come see you soon....hugs-teen
Hi Denise, I was so happy to see you and Oliver in the picture. The kids and I being updating every day. We do remember Ruffy we all cried by reading the experience you had @ the hospital about Ruffy and sure he is waching over you. Chantal was asking me when are we going to visit Oliver her friend. I jst. told her soon. My friend u are my inspiration with all your positivism. We all miss you and the boy was remembering how great baker you are and how you spoil them with your chocolate chip cookies and me with the "carmelitas" no one like you to bake. You are the best my freind so get well soon. We all are praying for you for your fast recovery. You are a wounderful person. Thank you for being my friend. Like you always tell me "Hang in there my freind" Now i tell u the same, stay strong. The kids sent you lots of kisses and hugs. Take care and God bless you.. Love ya..
WOW. Hope you feel as good as you look in the picture with Oliver. At first, I thought it was taken awhile ago. Glad you are home and pray you get the rest you need. Would love to see you but know how important it is to keep you away from germs. Just remember that we love you.
Am so happy that you are home - get lots of sleep. The picture with Oliver is great... you look good! Your smile is great - always has been. Thanks for blogging Joan and Dana.
Lots of love-
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