Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday, Oct 29th

Hello to all of you out there who still may be checking on this blog from time to time.  I'm currently sitting in the airport on my way to Boise, Idaho.  I know, why Boise?  Rileigh, my niece, will be there with her college soccer team to play soccer.  We also have a cousin who lives there who we will be visiting and staying with.

I have been doing well.  I had my 6 month post-chemo appointment and blood work last week and all was normal.  I've been doing a lot to greatly improve my nutrition.  I'm now juicing every morning for breakfast: carrot, celery, 1/2 grapefruit, and romaine lettuce.  YUM!!!  I'm trying to do everything from the earth (all natural, no preservatives) and overall all food choices with a nutritional value.  I went to a wonderful workshop last weekend called The Cancer Fighting Kitchen. Blew my mind.  Even got me thinking about going to Naturopath school to become a doctor in naturopath medicine.  Not sure if I'm ready to go back to school, even though I'm always studying new things.  Either way I know my time with traditional western medicine is on the short path.  I will eventually be doing something more holistic rather than furthering the future of pharmaceuticals and extreme means for healing the body and mind.  The holistic way takes a lot more energy on the patient's part, but I feel it is the path for my future.

I've not had any hours at the Fremont Kaiser job the past couple of weeks so have been back to the gym regularly.  Some work-outs/classes I do okay and others are the biggest joke ever.  I did Pilates for the first time in over a year last week and someone should have seriously had a video camera on me for everyone to have a good laugh.  My body was drastically limited in being able to move the multiple ways the instructor was requesting of us.  I am happy to say a few days later I did a Boot Camp class and was able to jump rope for a whole minute straight.  This is a first with the neuropathy in my feet.  I continue to have sessions with Sandy on a weekly basis to help the neuropathy.

These past few weeks and the weeks to come have been a bit of an emotional struggle being this is the time of year, last year, that I was struggling so bad.  It's like having an anniversary of a death.  My ultimate call of plea to Dr. Probst with the unbearable pain happened on Nov 8th and my first surgery on Nov 11th.  It's incredibly hard to think about how desperate I felt during those days. MerriAnn has been working on some healing meditations to help me clear the negative cell memory revolving around these events. I continue to see the Acupuncturist every 1-2 weeks.

I hope you are all doing well.  Please keep healthy and active.  I've thought about creating a format to log my exercise/nutritional habits and information for those who want to follow.  Many of you have expressed to me how my daily walking, despite where I was in my chemo, inspired you to also increase your activity level.  I would love to be the inspiration in helping more people to get active and therefore healthy.  Let me know if any of you out there would like me to set this up.  I think it would help me to stay on track also.

Well they are starting to set up boarding for my flight.  Here is wellness to all of you.  I continue to thank you for all of your love and support.

1 comment:

ryukyusoul said...

Dearest Denise - been hoping to hear more news since this post - selfish that way =P

Just wanted you to know that you were in my thoughts, especially as we get closer to the holidays.

Today I am grateful for you - over the distance and the years, I feel blessed that I'm still connected even if cyberly!

Much love to you and your family!


Dr. Oliver