It has come time to give all of you an update on my health. On Saturday, December 17th I began having some left sided lower pain. It persisted over the next 2 days. On the following Monday I called in to my Gyn Oncologist's office. My physician was out for the week for the holiday but her nurse advised me to have my Ca125 (tumor marker test) done earlier than planned. Unfortunately, the test showed an elevation compared to my numbers over the last year. I had been running 6 throughout the year. I went up just a tad to 8 in September and the test on Dec 22nd was 17. This is still in normal range but a definite change from what I had been trending. My physician called me once she was back in the office and advised a CAT scan and an exam with her. I was already scheduled to see her on Jan 19th for my routine 3 month check. I did the CAT scan on Dec 28. It unfortunately has added to the confusion, rather than helping. It didn't show anything on the lower left side where I was feeling the pain, but there is a small nodule just below my belly button area. Unfortunately, no one knows what this nodule is or its significance. Dr. Chen called me a bit frustrated herself. We decided to repeat another Ca125 before coming to see her on the 19th.
So today is the 19th and I did have an exan by Dr. Chen which was normal. Unfortunately, my Ca125 continues to creep up and is now 24. Dr. Chen would like to believe that my pain and the increase in my blood test is from Diverticulosis, but cannot know for sure. We discussed jumping into a variety of treatments including: chemo, PET scan, and Laparoscopic Surgery with colonoscopy, or waiting. I chose to wait.
The plan is to continue to follow Ca 125 values and exams over the next few weeks and see what the trend is. Dr. Chen again wonders if all my wonderful healthy eating of raw foods/roughage/juicing is creating a diverticulosis but was quick to say continue doing what you're doing.
I would like to be confident with all the good changes I've made, how good I feel overall, and everything I've been working on to improve my health that there is no cancer developing in my body again. But the stress and fear of the unknown still remain in the back of my head.
I was trying to keep all of this quiet from all of you until I knew something definite and could reassure you and just let you know what I HAD been going through. BUT I continue to not have answers. You all know I'm pretty much a "writing on the walls kind of gal" and it's hard for me to say all is good and I'm feeling great when any of you are asking how's it going. Sooo, at this point I prefer to be completely honest and let you know what is happening even though I don't have solid answers.
I appreciate any support, prayers, positive thoughts, healthy guided visualizations you can do on my behalf. I deeply hope to be writing to you soon letting you know there is a decrease in my Ca125 value. Until then, I will continue with massage therapy, acupuncture, neuro reflex therapy, electro lymphatic drainage, supplementation, detoxing, juicing, exercising, walking/loving on Oliver, meditation, and learning/reading all I can on living a balanced/healthy diet in mind, body, and spirit.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. Praying it is something little and you will have good news soon.
Always remember that I am here any time of night or day if you need anything. I too will be praying that whatever this is, it is something little and will have good news soon. Love you!
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