Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tax Season and Mind/Body/Spirit Presentations

Many of you, I'm sure, dread doing your tax work like I do.  Even though I don't enjoy it, it is not usually something I procrastinate.  Most years I have my taxes done by mid Feb.  This year has been different.  I have put it off and put it off and put if off.  A few nights ago, I finally was able to make myself sit down and work on some of it.  I soon realized why I had such a procrastination block.  Obviously, I have significant health bills, receipts, miles to track and such for my 2011 year of treatment.  As I was going through receipt and receipt after receipt of all of my visits I began to cry.  By looking at all those receipts, I was reliving the year of feeling so awful and it wasn't so pleasant.  My procrastination had a real reason behind it.  My taxes are still not done, in fact I'm suppose to be working on them now.  So, as you can see, I continue to procrastinate a bit with it.  But now I allow myself some of the delay because I better understand what's behind it.  
On a brighter note, I had the opportunity to give a presentation on Mind/Body/Spirit yesterday to a local Women's Shelter.  It was great.  I spent a good deal of time over the past 10 days working on the presentation and it was very well received.  My mom was kind enough to go with me and video the presentation so I can use it as a critiquing tool to see how I can make it better.  My next presentation will be in April at the St. Joseph's Treatment for You Day which is a "spa day" for anyone diagnosed with cancer in the past year.  If you know anyone who has been diagnosed in the past year and lives in this area, let me know and we will get them signed up.  
And for those of you who aren't on Facebook and don't already know: Oliver and I became certified as a Pet Therapy Dog Team.  We are waiting for our national certification to come in the mail, but once it does we can officially make visits on our own.  We are currently scheduled to appear at the Treatment for You day that I mentioned above.  Yea!  We have a graduation picture that I'm hoping to get through email and then I'll post it here for everyone to see. 
Love to you all

1 comment:

Cindy Riley said...

I still havent done my taxes either, although I finally started them tonight. So happy to hear about the new adventure you and Oliver are about to take. Love you!!

Dr. Oliver