Hello all, it is actually me, Denise, posting. My first time to post since the initial post. Thank you all so much for sending all the wonderful and uplifting comments. Even though I rely on my mom to post the updates and I don't comment back to your posts, I do immensely enjoy them and when I get discouraged read them over and over again.
My first chemo, via the chest port, went very smooth. Today I received Taxol. Taxol is a more dangerous drug to have a serious allergic reaction from but via the chest port was pretty uneventful today. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so nervous they offered to give me another drug to help me relax, but I, of course, declined. I have a bit of a headache tonight, but other than that feel great. I actually feel BETTER, HA HA! I think it is probably some euphoria from having everything be smooth today. I'll take the good feelings regardless of the cause and hope that it continues.
It was quite a relief to have started chemo again and to be feeling good while it was happening. I can only hope I continue to feel good and will cherish today.
Tomorrow brings on a new challenge: my first chemo via the IP (intraperitoneal port). Tomorrow I receive Cisplatin. I can only hope to keep myself calm, positive and in good spirit. Please continue to send the healthy vibes of the chemo taking care of the cancer cells and leaving the healthy cells completely alone. :)
Love ya all and know that I am so appreciate of all your support and rely on it, so keep it coming,
Denise ('Nise)
Love you! So happy to hear that things went well, they are going to continue to get better and better! Prayers continue to come your way. Love you all :)
Hi Denise....Glad to learn your treatment was not painful. Praying that the future treatments go well too. Love Ya!
So happy yesterday went well. Thinking about you today and the IP chemo you'll have. When it gets tough, remember those peaceful moments...and know there will be so many more. We're all here for you, supporting you and lifting you up. Love you.
Hi. Always thinking and praying for you. Been a little down so I have stayed away. Took mom to stkn. Kaiser and the girl working there asked me about you. Her name is Jennefer. She said you helped her alot when she was ill. She wishes you a speedy recovery and would like to get in touch with you. Love you.
Wahoo! This is the most positive news of the new year...I am so relieved for you. Sending big hugs and lots of laughs...
love, teen
Denise, as always, you seem to deal in such a positive manner with every hardship that comes your way. I have been and will continue to pray for your complete healing.
I do look forward to seeing you one of these days--I'm still sick though and so I know I cannot be near you while I am coughing and coughing, etc.
I did find out that I am having a boy. Gracie was quite disappointed. She wouldn't even hold my hand on the way out to the car. It's Don's fault, not mine.
Your mom also mentioned hot flashes. Ugh--although they'd be slightly helpful up here where we are keeping the house at 60 degrees.
More soon.
I was thinking of you today and hoping your chemo would go well. So happy to hear it did, and you're feeling good. Just think this is the year of your recovery! Sending good thoughts your way for tomorrow. Hope to see ya one of these days!
I am glad that you post this. Thanks God everything is going well. We all still thinking of u and still praying for you.. Take care
Love ya...
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