Denise has been able to resume her walking yesterday and today--in the beautiful sunshine!
Denise saw the doctor today for the results of the ct scan she had last Friday. She has 3 areas filled with fluid or air. Two of the pockets are connected to the belly button wound and as the medical profession says, they are "communicating" with each other. The doctor gave her two options: (1) continue regiment of draining and packing the wound for two more weeks; or (2) open the surgical incision and pack it leaving it open to heal. If option 1 doesn't show signs of healing by two weeks then option 2 will be scheduled.
Regardless of the status of healing, the doctor feels the chemo therapy should resume and to avoid putting Denise in further jeopardy. So her cycle 3 will begin on Tuesday, February 8th.
As you might imagine, this has been challenging emotionally and physically for Denise.
I am glad Denise got out for a bit, I will continue to keep her in my prayers, Keep up the fight, you can do this. I am pulling for you.
Well poo poo on the incision front, but don't let it get you down. It will heal, its just not taking the direct route. Press on, enjoy the sunny week and get ready for the next wave. You are strong!
May the sun continue for your walks! Continued healing vibes... New month, renewed strength!
It was great to see you last night, you look beautiful! Love you :)
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