Denise is enjoying her time as chemo side effects are at a minimal and the good weather before her next chemo therapy cycle on Tuesday. The belly button wound has not changed and time will tell what comes next with this.
Hope the good weather holds a little longer and you all have a good weekend.
Some have shared a memorable experience they have had with Denise. If you have one you would like to share, please do so. Remembering these experiences brings chuckles to Denise.
Hi, Denise - your card brought much joy at the end of a long day. I couldn't help but blog about you tonight... hope you don't mind, but if you do, let me know and I'll understand. I really got find some photos in my old albums... love ya!
Wow, thank you so much! I printed out what you wrote on your blog and will be looking at it when I have my weak moments of feeling sorry for myself. Through me inspiring you, you have inspired me. Isn't this a wonderful world we live in! I love ya Yuk!!!!
Really! We get to post stories about Denise...heheheheh I have such a fun time thinking about them!!!! Gee, I don't know why...was it the 9 years of grammar school that we spent together... plus the 4-H time?
Let's start with my earliest one! So... back to Kindergarten we go! Mrs. DeSantiago.. Mrs. Lewis.. French Camp Elementary Kindergarten playground.. the playground is covered with pine needles...I remember making nests out of the pine needles with Denise and a couple of other kids, too... Any names come back to you? What about the jungle gym and the rocking back and forth things in the sand (still don't know what they are called!) How about the inflatable letters of the alphabet? Hehe... just tell me when to stop!!! You know my memories of you go back pretty much as far back as my memories go!
Wow, kindergarten - that is way back! I don't even know if I'm in touch with even one person from kindergarten. I'm officially envious and admire that you do, Denise! And yes, it is a wonderful world! Keep blogging, keep healing and keep inspiring!
Hi Denise,
I am sorry for being out I started school @ NAU and i being really buzy but you always being in my mind and prayers. Chantal started school last week too i can think how time flies. I remember when u bake Chantal her first cake for her B-day. Vegatales remember? It was so nice and delicious. I always see her picture with u and Oliver. I also remember when we used to walk @ 5am everyday, getting ready for the big day "The Rock and Roll Maraton" I would done it with out you help. I learned to much with you..and remember we all still praying for you.. Take care.. Love ya
Just thinking about you and praying for you today as always. Hope this round is going better, love you all.
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