Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Per Denise, she is having "frustrating times."  The two smaller wounds at her surgical incision are almost  healed.  The third, at her belly button, is continuing to continuously drain.  It's not known where the fluid is coming from exactly--could be a fistula in the abdomen or at the resection of the bowl.  Denise is waiting for a call to schedule a ct scan; the scan may or may not reveal if there is a fistula.  Also the doctors will be looking at the the amount of fluid in the abdomen.

So the doctors are recommending to continue to pack the wound 2-3 times a day and give it two weeks for healing.  In the meantime, chemo therapy has been postponed until this is resolved. 

Statistics reveal that very few patients complete their IP regiment due to complications or discomfort of the therapy.  Denise was very fearful of the IP in the beginning but now has embraced it. She is determined to complete the six cycles.  The unhealed wound is causing her mental strife and is trying to refocus her energy to healing this.



Anonymous said...

I'm focusing my prayers on healed incisions, resuming IP treatment ASAP and love that fills your entire being! Hang in there. I love you.

Unknown said...

It will heal, you will complete your IP cycles, you are strong!

Cindy Riley said...

always praying for you, love you all!

Dr. Oliver