Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catch Up for December 13, 14 and 15

Denise is getting stronger each day.  Very little naseau now but lots of gastric problems.  She's cutting down on her meds and trying to stretch out the doses.  Sleeping at night doesn't come easy.  Today she only took one nap so maybe the night time sleep will be better.  She's extended her walking to the end of our road (1/8th of a mile) and doing this 2-3 times a day.

She received her Cycle 1 Chemotherapy appointments:
    Week 1:  Wednesday, December 29th at 8:30 am
                   Thursday, December 30th at 8:30 am
                   Thursday, January 6th at ?? tba

This cycle will repeat every 3 weeks.  She's still waiting for her appointment for Sacramento Kaiser Permanente Radiology to insert a port-a-cath (between her shoulder and breast) and an interperitoneal (IP) in her pelvis.  These may be inserted with or without anesthesia.  Maybe all this info is too much or "tmi" (too much information) as my favorite saying goes.

The thoughts of chemotherapy and hair loss is emotional and hard to sense as reality.  Keep the encouragement coming! 

The above information is provided by Mom/Joan! 


soupymama said...

Amazing that you are able to be up and about doing those daily walks. You may not feel strong, but you certainly are; and when you don't feel strong, know that there are lots of people sending you all their good thoughts and energy to hold you up and help you move forward.

Unknown said...

I don't know if it will interact with your meds, but there is a great Bedtime tea by Yogi (the other brands don't work) that actually really does help me sleep....
I'm glad that you are going for walks, I hope that will help a lot of the gastric stuff move along. Plus, I bet Oliver loves it!
sending hugs every day-

Cindy Riley said...

Love to hear about the progress. The hair loss will be a breeze, you are beautiful with or without hair! I would love to make you some funky hats if you want some. Continue to pray for you all throughout this journey. Love you!

Ron and Marie said...

Hi Denise.
Your are one tough cookie. We are amazed at what you are able to do. We think you would look very cute with a funky hat or two. Keep up the good work......Will continue the prayers. Love You.

dbheinlein said...

Agree that you are amazing to do walks every day to help with your healing. I know you've got to be exhausted, but you also know what will help your body and mind heal. A little outside time can go a long way.
Keep up the fight, Denise, and lean on all of us that are supporting you in this fight. Know that you are beautiful inside and out, with or without hair.
Thanks for keeping us updated with all the details. I don't think there is such a thing as TMI when one is trying to kick cancer in the butt!

elsworld said...

Here are some very good resources, I used the Naional Cancer site for Dad, I think your best bet with them, after you look at their site, would be to call and talk to them and they can give you some ideas for booklets, ect.

Search Results: is b Scott Hamelton and looks to be the best site for diet and chemo I have found but probably loots of others. Definitely a worthwhile site.

Chemotherapy Diet Resources: Diets During Chemo Treatment
Home : Eating Well during Chemotherapy : Chemotherapy Diet Resources: Diets that you may follow during chemotherapy treatments ... -

Chemotherapy and Diet - Healthy Diet During Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy and a good diet. Sounds like a difficult combination doesn't it? During chemotherapy, foods that were once family favorites can be unappealing ...

Chemotherapy Diet Resources: Diets During Chemo Treatment
Home : Eating Well during Chemotherapy : Chemotherapy Diet Resources: Diets that you may follow during chemotherapy treatments ... - is precise and easy to read.

From Search:
eating with chemotherapy? easily edible and digestible OTY energy/nutrients/antioxidants OTY

elsworld said...

I didn't comment on the last post as I had accidentally deleted it with comments once and didn't want to have to copy the sites a third time, then I commented on a separate post and erased that. So much for my abilities on a laptop. You are working so hard Denise and we are so proud of you. You have always had such a positive and determined spirit to go along with that beautiful smile. You have taken all your bumps in life in stride and I have never known of you setting around feeling sorry for yourself. You just do what is necessary and move on. All that is in your favor now because you don't know how to give up and you are going to win this battle. Life can get weary though, and make us wonder if it is really worth it. It is OK to say that when you need to, it isn't a sign of weakness. That is what all of us are here for, to encourage and cheer you on. We will lift you up and even carry you if we need to. You are amazing.

When this is all over you will have out grown us all and gained insights and a sensitiveness's that few people have. You priceless in your ability to help others on their journey. And, your allowing us to walk beside you on your journey is helping us grow in ways we never imagined. Thanks you for sharing it with us and thank you, Joan, for taking the time to do such a good job of recording it for us. I am sure there are many other things you could be doing and it has to be gut wrenching for you and Danny. We love you all.

Kat said...

Your true strength shines through... its easy for us to say hair doesn't matter but as women we are vain - wigs or hats should do the trick - remember these are superficial and your beauty is within - something chemo can not make "fall out" - hold on to your true self and remember there are many people sending love and support your way.

Danny said...

I'm amazed at how well you are doing. Keep up the great work. The whole Davis Family is thinking and praying for you and your family. We're here if you need us.

Angie said...

I am glad that you are going for walks and don't worrie about lossing your hair it will grow back soon and more beutiful than it was. You are a wounderful and beautiful strong women. We all thinking about you and praying for you.. Give kisses to your boy "Oliver" Stay strong my friend cuz we want to go visit you..Take care, God bless you and say hi to the fam. Love ya!!

elsworld said...

Heard it is cold and rainy there. Scrunch up in you warm covers and enjoy the warmth. Or, maybe your Dad will build a big fire in he fireplace to keep you cozy. My favorit thing. Wishing you a joyous day tomorrow. Love you.

Dim Sum Lum said...

You're walking farther than I do everyday! (Seriously! I have the body to prove it!)

And let's just say that hair is overrated. I haven't washed mine in like five days because I don't want to bother with it. (And no, I'm not kidding!)

I hope that I can see you when I head would be the highlight of my week. Not to mention, it would probably be a safe haven for me away from my family. Wait, did I just type that outloud?

Try the Orange Dream from Jamba Juice. We got those for Tom all the time. Maybe that may be palatable and...dreamy.

Love you!

Dr. Oliver