Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rough Post Op Day #1

Wow what a day!  Denise started the day with a goal to get out of bed and to sit in a chair for a few minutes.  We helped her stand for a second but then she passed out.  She struggled with fever all day and because of the fever several more tests were ordered.  She's been receiving antibiotics. During surgery she lost a significant amount of blood which required having a transfusion today.  It's now 11 pm and her pain is stabilized, fever is low grade and she's starting to get some much needed rest.

When she's feeling well enough to have visitors, we'll let you know via this blog.  She enjoys and appreciates all your kind and supportive comments.


charleeta said...

so sorry you had such a rough day. Praying for your strength to come back and a fast recovery.
Aunt Charleeta

soupymama said...

Glad that fever's under control. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Hugs to you from Lathrop. Wishing you a restful recovery day today...good thoughts are sent your way :)

Ron and Marie said...

Hi Denise. We are with you. Praying for you. Hugging you. Supporting you. Comforting you. Loving you.

elsworld said...

We kept checking but didn't get to see your new post until this morning. Let us know if you need replacement blood donations. Bri and Brit donate reglarly. I am sure they can assign credit to you. Everyday is a step forward. Can't wait for better news today. I remember when I had extensive surgery and repairs. Ouch.
I don't think they hardly woke me up for two day's Bless your brave efforts. You are a trooper, go girl. Sending loving healing vibes and prayers your way often through each day. Dream it, believe it, do it.

Unknown said...

Hang in there Denise. Hopefully today goes much smoother!

Unknown said...

Denis, praying for you at this time. Praying for strength as you travel through this journey. Pray for peace that passes all understanding.

Unknown said...

Denise, Kent H is really Charlene Hinton, but Kent counts too. Hope this gives you a little chuckle!

Cindy Riley said...

Thinking of you and praying for you. Love you all!

Unknown said...

Dear Denise, although I not yet met you, I have been holding you in my heart for the past two weeks, and I am sending you all the positive energy I am capable of. Love from Francoise Barnett with the Branching Sisters.

elsworld said...

Love to the family, know by tonight you have to be weary so am praying for a good night's rest so you can renew and gather your strength to continue to be there for Denise. Hugs and more hugs from all of us here in midland as we signout for the night.

elsworld said...

11:13 is really 1:13 for now. Despite the night owl that I am, it is still time to call it quits. So off to meditate postive thoughts for Denise. ooxx

Dr. Oliver