Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

As the nausea and vomiting continued, Denise had to return to the infusion center on Wednesday and receive an IV for hydration and more anti-nausea meds.  Thankfully, this infusion perked her up and got her leveled off to be able to eat a good dinner and sleep.  The infusion nurses says this is very common for patients to return for hydration--chemo meds are very dehydrating.

Thursday, she received the last treatment of cycle 2!  The treatment was very uncomfortable but she handled it well.  She's looking forward to almost 2 weeks before starting cycle 3.  She will see her oncologist on January 26th and treatments schedule for January 27th and 28th.  Denise's team of chemo therapy providers will meet prior to her doctor's appointment and look at revising her meds and therapy so hopefully the regiment will have less side effects.

Denise was able to walk 1/4 mile yesterday--the first she has walked in several days.  We look forward to some sunshine today hopefully and a longer walk.



Angie said...

Hi Denise,
Hope you are feeling much better. Nice to hear you are still walking strong women. You are truly bless to have you parents with you and helping you. Hang in there my friend. We all praying for you and you always are in our thaughts. Take care, God bless ya. We love ya!!! give xoxoxo to Oliver per

Laurie said...

Hi Denise,

I just want you know that I am inspired by your strength and courage during this difficult time of your life. The challenges you are faced with during each of these chemo cycles is more than any one person should have to endure, but you are such a trooper! You are mentioned in my prayers each and every night when I retire from my day. Please remember that there are so many of us that are out here who are continuing to send our positive energies your direction.

Adam said...

Glad to hear the trip to the infusion center was such a success (sleep = good! not feeling nauseated = awesome!) Hugs and kisses.

Jolene said...

I am glad you dont have as far to go for your treatments and your doing better again, I am proud of you, you are a strong person. I will come and visit you soon, I have had a cold and did not want to get you sick, but you are in my thoughts, love

Dim Sum Lum said...

See, 1/4 of a mile. You walked more in that one walk than I did all day!

You will get through this.

Love you!

Cindy Riley said...

Love you cuz, been coughing so I am staying away,don't want to give you anything. Prayers continue. Love you all.

Dr. Oliver